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发布人:学院    发布时间:2025-02-24     点击:







主要研究内容:专注于免疫与炎症研究,特别聚焦于T细胞在自身免疫疾病中的发病机制及功能探究。通过结合免疫学、结构生物学及多组学等手段在分子、细胞、疾病动物模型和患者样本多个层面,系统性揭示了T细胞对自身抗原识别和促进自身抗体形成中的致病机理。致力于通过发现新的生物学靶标,开发创新的靶向分子或抗体,以实现对自身免疫性疾病的有效干预和治疗等。已发表高水平研究论文20余篇,其中2篇影响因子超过20,研究成果受到国际学术界的高度关注,曾被风湿病学顶刊《Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases》专题评论,并被《Nature Reviews Immunology》,《Nature Reviews Rheumatology》等国际权威期刊引用。





1.Zhao Z, Xu B, Wang S, Zhou M, Huang Y, Guo C, Li M, Zhao J, Sung SJ, Gaskin F, Yang N, Fu SM. Tfh cells with NLRP3 inflammasome activation are essential for high-affinity antibody generation, germinal centre formation and autoimmunity.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2022 Jul;81(7):1006-1012.(IF=27.399)

2.Zhao Z, Ren J, Dai C, Kannapell C, Wang Q, Gaskin F, Fu SM. Nature of T cell epitopes in lupus antigens and HLA-DR determines autoantibody initiation and diversification.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2019 Mar;78(3):380-390.(被编辑专题评论:Winchester R. What structures are seen by a T cell in the immune response to a lupus autoantigen? Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2019;78:291-292,认为该研究推动了学界对狼疮自身免疫反应起源的认识。) (IF=16.102)

3.Zhao Z, Qiao H, Ge Y, Kannapel CC, Sung SJ, Gaskin F, Tung KSK, Fu SM. Autoimmune experimental orchitis and chronic glomerulonephritis with end stage renal disease are controlled by Cgnz1 for susceptibility to end organ damage.Clinical Immunology. 2021 Mar;224:108675.(IF=10.19)

4.Zhao Z, Anderson AN, Kannapell CC, Kwok WW, Gaskin F, Fu SM. HLA-DR3 restricted environmental epitopes from the bacterium Clostridium tetani have T cell cross-reactivity to the SLE-related autoantigen SmD.Frontiers in Immunology. 2022 Oct 31;13:928374.(IF=7.3)

5.Zhao Z, Ren J, Dai C, Kannapell C, Wang Q, Gaskin F, Fu SM. HLA-DR3 Restricted T Cell Response to Smd and Ro60 Reveals Multiple Cross-Reactive Intra- and Inter-Molecular T Cell Epitopes: Unique Antigenic Structures of Lupus-Related Auto-Antigens and the Basis for B Cell Epitope Spreading [abstract].Arthritis & Rheumatol. 2016; 68 (suppl 10).(IF=6.917)

6.Zhao Z, Ren J, Dai C, Kannapell C, Wang Q, Gaskin F, Fu SM. HLA-DR3 Restricted Response to Lupus-Related Auto-Antigen Smd: Autoreactive T Cells Are Inherent in Normal Immune Repertoires [abstract].Arthritis & Rheumatol.2016; 68 (suppl 10).(IF=6.917)

7.Chen X, Amar N, Zhu Y, Wang C, Xia C, Yang X, Wu D, Feng M. Combined DLL3-targeted bispecific antibody with PD-1 inhibition is efficient to suppress small cell lung cancer growth.Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer. 2020, 8(1):e000785. (IF=13.752)

8.Chen X, Chen Y, Liang R, Xiang L, Li J, Zhu Y, He H, Huang L, Zuo D, Li W, Liang X, Dong S, Hu S, Ho M, Feng M. Combination therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma by GPC3-targeted bispecific antibody and Irinotecan is potent in suppressing tumor growth in mice. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 2022, 21:149-158.(IF=6.30)

9. Zhu Y, Wang K, Yue L, Zuo D, Sheng J, Lan S, Zhao Z, Dong S, Hu S*,Chen X*, Feng M*. Mesothelin CAR-T cells expressing tumor-targeted immunocytokine IL-12 yield durable efficacy and fewer side effects.Pharmacological Research.2024, 203:107186.(IF=9.10)

10.Chen S, Lei M, Liu K, Min J. Structural basis for specific DNA sequence recognition by the transcription factor NFIL3.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2024. 300(3):105776.(IF=4.0)

11.Chen S, Zhou M, Dong A, Loppnau P, Wang M, Min J, Liu K. Structural basis of the TAM domain of BAZ2A in binding to DNA or RNA independent of methylation status.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2021. 297(6):101351. (IF=5.485)


