职 称:讲师
学 历:博士
1.Yu X., Meng C., Tan X., Su Y., Cao Z., Hwang T., Li L. RsmA3 modulates RpoS through the RetS-Gac-Rsm signaling pathway in response to H2O2 stress in the phytopathogenPseudomonas syringae.Environ Microbiol. 2022 Jul 15. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.
2.Ali M., Gu T.,Yu X., Bashir A., Wang Z., Sun X., Naeem M., Li L. Identification of the genes of the plant pathogenPseudomonas syringaeMB03 required for the nematicidal activity againstCaenorhabditis elegans through an integrated approach.Front Microbiol. 2022 Mar 09, 13: 826962.
3.Bashir, A., Sun, Y.,Yu, X., Sun, X., and Li L. Nematicidal effects of 2-methyl-aconitate isomerase from the phytopathogenPseudomonas syringae MB03 on the model nematodeCaenorhabditis elegans.J Invertebr Pathol, 2021, 185: 107669.
4.Bashir A., Tian T.,Yu X., Meng C., Ali M., Li L. Pyoverdine-mediated killing ofCaenorhabditis elegans byPseudomonas syringae MB03 and the role of iron in its pathogenicity.Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Mar 22;21(6):2198.
5.Bai ZQ, Sun XW,Yu X., Li L. Chitosan microbeads as supporter forPseudomonas putida with surface displayed laccases for decolorization of synthetic dyes.Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9, 138.
6.Hu P., Zhang Z., Shen F.,Yu X., Li M., Ni H., Li L. Poly-γ-glutamic acid coupledPseudomonas putida cells surface-displaying metallothioneins: composited copper(ii) biosorption and inducible flocculation in aqueous solution.RSC Advances,2017,7: 18578-87.