国家优青,湖北省杰青,美国梅哈里医学院访问学者。中国毒理学会生物毒素毒理专业委员会副主任委员。获湖北省自然科学一等奖和中国毒理学会优秀青年科技奖。在Nature Communications、J Allergy Clin Immunol等杂志发表论文70多篇。主持国家重大新药专项、国家自然科学基金等项目。研究专长:动物毒素多肽的药用基础。
华中科技大学遗传学博士,华中科技大学生物医学工程博士后,中国细胞生物学学会会员,湖北省神经科学学会理事,在国际知名期刊elife、EMBO Journal、Cell Discovery发表论文,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金项目。研究专长:睡眠与近日时钟的分子机制和神经环路研究。
武汉大学微生物学博士,武汉大学病毒学国家重点实验室博士后,在PLOS Pathogens、Cellular & Molecular Immunology、Nature Communications等国际期刊发表多篇研究论文,参与多项国家/省级项目。研究专长:病毒宿主相互作用与抗病毒药物的靶点发现。
武汉大学生物化学与分子生物学博士,在Chemical Seience、Science China-Life Sciences、Nucleic Acids Research、Cell Reports等国际期刊发表论文6篇,并参与多项国家自然科学基金研究项目。研究专长:组蛋白甲基化修饰功能、DNA损伤修复通路研究。
2)国家自然科学基金委员会国际(地区)合作项目:P38 MAPK信号通路介导BmKDfsin3/4动物毒液多肽家族抗HBV/HCV及相关肝细胞癌的作用与机制、2022/01-2024/12。
1.Li X, Yang H, Han Y, Yin S, Shen B, Wu Y, Li W, Cao Z*. Tick peptides evoke itch by activating MrgprC11/X1 to sensitize downstream TRPV1 in pruriceptors. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021 Jun;147(6):2236-2248. (IF=14.2)
2.Cheng Y, Sun F, Wang L, Gao M, Xie Y, Sun Y, Liu H, Yuan Y, Yi W, Huang Z, Yan H, Peng K, Wu Y, Cao Z*. Virus-induced p38 MAPK activation facilitates viral infection. Theranostics. 2020 Oct 30;10(26):12223-12240. (IF=12.4)
3.Zeng Z, Zhang R, Hong W, Cheng Y, Wang H, Lang Y, Ji Z, Wu Y, Li W, Xie Y*, Cao Z*. Histidine-rich modification of a scorpion-derived peptide improves bioavailability and inhibitory activity against HSV-1. Theranostics. 2018, 8(1):199-211. (IF=12.4)
4.Gan B, Yu L, Yang H, Jiao H, Pang B, Chen Y, Wang C, Lv R, Hu H, Cao Z*, Ren R*. Mechanism of agonist-induced activation of the human itch receptor MRGPRX1. PLoS Biol. 2023 Jun 22;21(6):e3001975. (IF=9.8)
5.Cao Z#, Yu Y#, Wu Y#, Hao P#, Di Z#, He Y#, Chen Z, Yang W, Shen Z, He X, Sheng J, Xu X, Pan B, Feng J, Yang X, Hong W, Zhao W, Li Z, Huang K, Li T, Kong Y, Liu H, Jiang D, Zhang B, Hu J, Hu Y, Wang B, Dai J, Yuan B, Feng Y, Huang W, Xing X, Zhao G, Li X, Li Y, Li W. The genome of Mesobuthus martensii reveals a unique adaptation model of arthropods. Nat Commun. 2013, 4:2602. (IF=16.6)
6.Hong W, Zhang R, Di Z, He Y, Zhao Z, Hu J, Wu Y, Li W, Cao Z*. Design of histidine-rich peptides with enhanced bioavailability and inhibitory activity against hepatitis C virus. Biomaterials. 2013, 34(13):3511-3522. (IF=14)
7.Yu XF, Sun Z, Li M, Xiang Y, Wang QQ*, Tang F, Wu Y, Cao Z*, Li W*. Neurotoxin-conjugated upconversion nanoprobes for direct visualization of tumors under near-infrared irradiation. Biomaterials. 2010, 31(33): 8724-8731. (IF=14)
8.Fan S, Sun Z, Jiang D, Dai C, Ma Y, Zhao Z, Liu H, Wu Y, Cao Z*, Li W*. BmKCT toxin inhibits glioma proliferation and tumor metastasis. Cancer Lett. 2010, 291(2):158-166. (IF= 9.7)
9.Xia Z, He D, Wu Y, Kwok HF*, Cao Z*. Scorpion venom peptides: Molecular diversity, structural characteristics, and therapeutic use from channelopathies to viral infections and cancers. Pharmacological Research, 2023, 197:106978. (IF=9.3)
10.Sun F, Mu C, Kwok HF, Xu J, Wu Y, Liu W, Sabatier JM, Annweiler C, Li X*, Cao Z*, Xie Y*. Capivasertib restricts SARS-CoV-2 cellular entry: a potential clinical application for COVID-19. Int J Biol Sci. 2021, 17(9):2348-2355. (IF=9.2)
11.Zeng Z, Han S, Hong W, Lang Y, Li F, Liu Y, Li Z, Wu Y, Li W, Zhang X*, Cao Z*. A tat-conjugated peptide nucleic acid Tat-PNA-DR inhibits hepatitis B virus replication in vitro and in vivo by targeting LTR direct repeats of HBV RNA. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2016, 5:e295. (IF=8.8)
12.Xia Z, Ren Y, Li S, Xu J, Wu Y, Cao Z*. ML-SA1 and SN-2 inhibit endocytosed viruses through regulating TRPML channel expression and activity. Antiviral Res. 2021, 195:105193. (IF=7.6)
13.Xia Z, Wang L, Li S, Tang W, Sun F, Wu Y, Miao L*, Cao Z*. ML-SA1, a selective TRPML agonist, inhibits DENV2 and ZIKV by promoting lysosomal acidification and protease activity. Antiviral Res. 2020, 182:104922. (IF=7.6)
14.Hong W, Li T, Song Y, Zhang R, Zeng Z, Han S, Zhang X, Wu Y, Li W, Cao Z*. Inhibitory activity and mechanism of two scorpion venom peptides against herpes simplex virus type 1. Antiviral Res. 2014, 102:1-10. (IF=7.6)
15.de Seabra Rodrigues Dias IR, Cao Z*, Kwok HF*. Adamalysins in COVID-19 - Potential mechanisms behind exacerbating the disease. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022, 150:112970. (IF=7.5)
16.Chen B, Li F, Zhu XK, Xie W, Hu X, Zan MH, Li X, Li QY, Guo SS, Zhao XZ, Jiang YA*, Cao Z*, Liu W*.Highly biocompatible and recyclable biomimetic nanoparticles for antibiotic-resistant bacteria infection.Biomater Sci.2021, 9(3):826-834.(IF=6.6)
17.Wang L, Xia Z, Tang W, Sun Y, Wu Y, Kwok HF*, Sun F*, Cao Z*. p38 activation and viral infection.Expert Rev Mol Med.2022, 24:e4. (IF=6.2)
18.Wang L, Sun F, Hu J, Zuo W, Zheng Y, Wu Y, Kwok HF*, Cao Z*. The tick saliva peptide HIDfsin2 promotes the tick-borne virus SFTSV replication in vitro by enhancing p38 signal pathway.Arch Toxicol.2023 Jun;97(6):1783-1794. (IF=6.1)
19.Qin H, Zuo W, Ge L, Siu SWI, Wang L, Chen X, Ma C, Chen T, Zhou M, Cao Z*, Kwok HF*. Discovery and analysis of a novel antimicrobial peptide B1AW from the skin secretion of Amolops wuyiensis and improving the membrane-binding affinity through the construction of the lysine-introduced analogue.Comput Struct Biotechnol J.2023 May 6;21:2960-2972. (IF=6.0)
20.Liu G, Yang F, Li F, Li Z, Lang Y, Shen B, Wu Y, Li W, Harrison PL, Strong PN, Xie Y, Miller K*, Cao Z*. Therapeutic potential of a scorpion venom-derived antimicrobial peptide and its homologs against antibiotic-resistant gram-positive bacteria.Front Microbiol. 2018 May 29;9:1159. (IF=5.2)
21.Cao Z, Wang JL, McNutt PM, Utkin YN, Shahbazzadeh D, Wulff H, Kovacic H, Sabatier JM. Editorial: Venoms, Animal and Microbial Toxins.Front Pharmacol.2021, 12:706573.(IF=5.6)
22.Lang Y, Li F, Liu Q, Xia Z, Ji Z, Hu J, Cheng Y, Gao M, Sun F, Shen B, Xie C, Yi W, Wu Y, Yao J*, Cao Z*. The Kv1.3 ion channel acts as a host factor restricting viral entry.FASEB J. 2021, 35(2):e20995. (IF=4.8)
23.Fan Z, Cao L, He Y, Hu J, Di Z, Wu Y, Li W*, Cao Z*.Ctriporin, a new anti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus peptide from the venom of the scorpion Chaerilus tricostatus.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011, 55(11):5220-5229. (IF=4.9)
24.Zhao Z, Ma Y, Dai C, Zhao R, Li S, Wu Y, Cao Z*, Li W*.Imcroporin, a new cationic antimicrobial peptide from the venom of the scorpion Isometrus maculates.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2009,83:3472-3477. (IF=4.9)
25.Dai C, Ma Y, Zhao Z, Zhao R, Wang Q, Wu Y, Cao Z*, Li W*.Mucroporin, the first cationic host defence peptide from the venom of Lychas mucronatus.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2008,52(11): 3967-3972. (IF=4.9)
26.Li F, Lang Y, Ji Z, Xia Z, Han Y, Cheng Y, Liu G, Sun F, Zhao Y, Gao M, Chen Z, Wu Y, Li W, Cao Z*.A scorpion venom peptide Ev37 restricts viral late entry by alkalizing acidic organelles.J Biol Chem. 2019 Jan 4;294(1):182-194. (IF=4.8)
27.Meng L, Xie Z, Zhang Q, Li Y, Yang F, Chen Z, Li W, Cao Z*, Wu Y*. Scorpion potassium channel-blocking defensin highlights a functional link with neurotoxin.J Biol Chem. 2016, 291(13):7097-106. (IF=4.8)
28.Hong W, Lang Y, Li T, Zeng Z, Song Y, Wu Y, Li W, Cao Z*. A p7 ion channel-derived peptide inhibits hepatitis C virus infection in vitro.J Biol Chem.2015,290(38):23254-23263.(IF=4.8)
29.Song Y, Gong K, Yan H, Hong W, Wang L, Wu Y, Li W*, Li W*, Cao Z*. Sj7170, a unique dual-functional peptide with a specificα-chymotrypsin inhibitory activity and a potent tumor activating effect from scorpion venom.J Biol Chem.2014,289(17):11667-11680. (IF=4.8)
30.Zhao Z, Hong W, Zeng Z, Wu Y, Hu K, Tian X, Li W*, Cao Z*.Mucroporin-M1 inhibits Hepatitis B virus replication by activating the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) Pathway and down-regulating HNF4αin vitroandin vivo.J Biol Chem.2012,287(36):30181-30190. (IF=4.8)
5.李文鑫、曹志贱、吴英亮、曹路扬、樊拯。发明名称:一种亚洲雨林蝎毒抗菌多肽基因及制备方法和应用。专利号:ZL 201010270574.2。授权公告日:2012年7月4日。