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发布人:姜发堂    发布时间:2021-12-27     点击:






姜发堂,博士,二级教授,博士生导师,University of Nottingham (英国)荣誉教授,欧盟玛丽居里学者,食品软物质结构与功能团队首席科学家(PI),曾任湖北工业大学生物工程学院院长、湖北省食品工业协会副会长、湖北省魔芋产业协会副秘书长。2005年评为享受湖北省政府专项津贴人员,2006年评为湖北省突出贡献专家,入选多省市科技专家库。

姜发堂教授长期从事食品软物质及高分子材料领域的教学与研究工作,主持欧盟玛丽居里项目、中英桥国际合作项目、国家自然科学基金(面上项目4项)等40余项;累计科研经费到账超3000万元。发表学术论文285篇,其中SCI收录140篇(含Top学术期刊论文117篇;IF>10论文57篇;ESI高被引论文3篇)。编著教材2部,主办1次国际会议(亲水胶体发展趋势国际研讨会);多次参加国际会议并作报告。2017年在意大利获得世界可持续能源技术协会(World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies)颁发的生物材料技术创新大奖;获得省市级以上科技奖励8项。





2017年,“植物多糖气凝胶净化材料研究”获得世界可持续能源技术协会(World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies)颁发的技术创新奖


















湖北省材料科学研究会秘书长;世界可持续能源技术协会(World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies)委员会成员;《Future Cities and Environment》期刊编委;《武汉工程大学学报》期刊编委。







[5]欧盟玛丽居里项目(the European Commission for the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships-2017 Project, Grant ID: 794680))

[6]湖北省技术创新专项(重大项目),植物多糖空气净化气凝胶的制备及吸附性能研究(2016 ACA164),2017.09-2019.08。
















[1] Peng, C., Wang, F., Nishinari, K.,Jiang, F., & Xiao, M. (2025). Direct visualization of the side-by-side self-assembly of high and low acyl gellan gum by AFM. Carbohydrate Polymers, 354, 123325.

[2] Lin, L., Liu, Y., Zhang, B., Zhao, G., Guo, W., Chen, J.,Jiang, F., & Qiao, D. (2025). Promotion effect of the 1, 2-propanediol on the gel-related properties of locust bean gum/xanthan synergistic gel system. Food Chemistry, 469, 142553.

[3] Qin, J., Li, Y., Li, Y., Qiao, Z., Yan, L., Chen, K., Wu, K., Qian, H., Peng, B., &Jiang, F.(2025). An ammonia-responsive aerogel-type colorimetric sensor for non-destructive monitoring of shrimp freshness. Food Research International, 201, 115630.

[4] Deng, P., Liu, X., Zhang, T., Li, Y., Wu, K., Chen, K., Kuang, Y., Chen, J., &Jiang, F.(2025). Konjac glucomannan-based foams incorporating cellulose phase change microcapsules for efficient thermal energy regulation. Carbohydrate Polymers, 352, 123191.

[5] Chen, K., Jiang, J., Tian, Y., Guo, Y., He, T., Xie, Y., Wu, K., Zhu, F., &Jiang, F.(2025). Improved konjac glucomannan/curdlan-based emulsion coating by mung bean protein addition for cherry tomato preservation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 291, 139080.

[6] Deng, P., Liu, X., Li, Y., Deng, Q., Wu, K., Kuang, Y., &Jiang, F.(2025). Konjac glucomannan foams integrated with bilayer phase change microcapsules for efficient heat storage and thermal insulation. Carbohydrate Polymers, 352, 123151.

[7] Deng, P., Wang, Z., Li, Y., Ji, S., Sun, Y., Deng, Q., Chen, J., &Jiang, F.(2025). High strength, gas barrier and hydrophobic konjac glucomannan/glutenin films with semi-interpenetrating network for cherry tomato preservation. Food Hydrocolloids, 160, 110861.

[8] Tu, W., Liu, X., Li, K., Zhang, B.,Jiang, F., & Qiao, D. (2025). Highly ordered aggregation of soy protein isolate particles for enhanced gel-related properties through konjac glucomannan addition. Food Chemistry, 462, 141004.

[9] Ye, Z., Yu, Z., Zeng, Y., Deng, P., Peng, B., Kuang, Y., Wu, K., Qiao, D., &Jiang, F.(2024). Superior flame retardancy, thermal insulation, and mechanical properties of konjac glucomannan/sodium alginate biomass aerogel modified by supramolecular assembled phytic acid-melamine nanosheet. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 282, 137026.

[10]Qiao, D., Huang, Y., Hou, X., Ye, F., Wu, K.,Jiang, F., Zhao, G., Zhang, B., & Xie, F. (2024). Enhancing thermal stability and mechanical resilience in gelatin/starch composites through polyvinyl alcohol integration. Carbohydrate Polymers, 344, 122528.

[11]Peng, C., Qin, J., Li, Y., Chen, K.,Jiang, F., & Xiao, M. (2024). Enhanced water and oxygen barrier properties of deacetylated konjac glucomannan/high acyl gellan gum water gradient film for improved frozen fish fillet preservation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 279, 135203.

[12]Hou, X., Liu, X., Zhao, G., Zhang, B.,Jiang, F., & Qiao, D. (2024). Self-assembly of curdlan molecules for the formation of thermally induced gels. Food Hydrocolloids, 156, 110335.

[13]Li, Y., Li, K., Guo, Y., Liu, Y., Zhao, G., Qiao, D.,Jiang, F., & Zhang, B. (2024). Mechanism for the synergistic gelation of konjac glucomannan and κ-carrageenan. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 277, 134423.

[14]Li, K., Liu, X.,Jiang, F., Zhang, B., Qiao, D., & Xie, F. (2024). In the process of polysaccharide gel formation: A review of the role of competitive relationship between water and alcohol molecules. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 281, 136398.

[15]Tian, R., Yuan, S., Jiang, J., Kuang, Y., Wu, K., Sun, S., Chen, K., &Jiang, F.(2024). Improvement of mechanical, barrier properties, and water resistance of konjac glucomannan/curdlan film by zein addition and the coating for cherry tomato preservation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 276, 134132.

[16]Niu, Z., Li, K., Guo, Y., Zhao, G., Wu, K., Hou, X., Qiao, D.,Jiang, F., Zhang, B., & Xie, F. (2024). Assembly behavior and nano-scale microstructure of tamarind gum/xanthan synergistic interaction gels. Food Hydrocolloids, 157, 110392.

[17]Zhong, L., Shi, F., Yang, J., Qian, H., Zhou, J., Niu, Y., Zhang, T., &Jiang, F.(2024). Comparison of the filtration performance of konjac glucomannan-based aerogel and cellulose acetate. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 19, 1864-1871.

[18]Lin, L., Li, K., Liu, X., Zhang, B., Zhao, G., Wu, K.,Jiang, F., & Qiao, D. (2024). Assembly process of locust bean gum and xanthan gum for synergistic gelling revealed by atomic force microscopy.Food Hydrocolloids, 156, 110263.

[19]Qiao, D., Li, Y., Luo, M., Ye, F., Lin, L.,Jiang, F., Zhao, G., Zhang, B., & Xie, F. (2024). Konjac glucomannan/xanthan synergistic interaction gel: Effect of the fine structure of xanthan on enthalpy driven assembly behavior and gel strength.Food Hydrocolloids, 155, 110227.

[20]Deng, P., Zhang, Y., Niu, Z., Li, Y., Wang, Z., &Jiang, F.(2024). Multifunctional konjac glucomannan/xanthan gum self-healing coating for bananas preservation.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 270, 132287.

[21]Peng, B., Qin, J., Li, Y., Wu, K., Kuang, Y., &Jiang, F.(2024). Recent advances in nanomaterials-enabled active food packaging: Nanomaterials synthesis, applications and future prospects.Food Control, 163, 110542.

[22]Liu, Y., Cheng, Y., Yu, X., Zhu, J., Chen, K., Kuang, Y., Wu, K., &Jiang, F.(2024). Konjac glucomannan films incorporated pectin-stabilized Mandarin oil emulsions: Structure, properties, and application in fruit preservation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 267, 131292.

[23]Xiao, M., Wang, S., Peng, C., Wu, X., Nishinari, K., &Jiang, F.(2024). Enhancing frozen fish quality through polysaccharide-ice glazing: Insights from physical properties and preservation effects.Food Hydrocolloids, 151, 109843.

[24]Deng, P., Zhang, Y., Deng, Q., Sun, Y., Li, Y., Wang, Z., &Jiang, F.(2024). Multifunctional sodium alginate-based self-healing edible cross-linked coating for banana preservation.Food Hydrocolloids, 151, 109753.

[25]Kuang, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, X., Liu, M., Wang, T., Zhang, Z., Wu, K., Chen, K., Deng, P., Zhao, X.,Jiang, F., & Li, C. (2024). Improved stability and mechanical properties of citrus pectin-zein emulsion gels by double crosslinking with calcium and transglutaminase.Industrial Crops and Products, 211, 118305.

[26]Qiao, D., Zhang, Y., Lin, L., Li, K., Zhu, F., Wang, G., Xi, G.,Jiang, F., Zhang, B., & Xie, F. (2024). Revealing the role of λ-carrageenan on the enhancement of gel-related properties of acid-induced soy protein isolate/λ-carrageenan system.Food Hydrocolloids, 150, 109608.

[27]Xiao, M., Tan, M., Peng, C.,Jiang, F.,Wu, K., Liu, N., Li, D., & Yao, X. (2024). Soft and flexible polyvinyl alcohol/pullulan aerogels with fast and high water absorption capacity for facial mask substrates.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 264, 130469.

[28]Deng, P., Wang, Z., Bu, J., Fan, Y., Kuang, Y., &Jiang, F.(2024). Konjac glucomannan-based nanocomposite spray coating with antimicrobial, gas barrier, UV blocking, and antioxidation for bananas preservation.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 265, 130895.

[29]Wu, K., Zhu, D., Zeng, Y., Cheng, J., Wang, R., Peng, B., Chen, K., Deng, P.,Jiang, F., & Zhao, X. (2024). Impact of anthocyanin extract sources on the physical properties and ph sensitivity of konjac glucomannan/zein composite film.Food and Bioprocess Technology, 17, 3926-3943.

[30]Chen, K., Tian, R., Jiang, J., Xiao, M., Wu, K., Kuang, Y., Deng, P., Zhao, X., &Jiang, F.(2024). Moisture loss inhibition with biopolymer films for preservation of fruits and vegetables: A review.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 263, 130337.

[31]Xiao, M., Peng, C., Qin, J., Wang, S., Wu, X., Nishinari, K., &Jiang, F.(2024). Development of a water gradient film through film and ice-glazing approach utilizing konjac glucomannan and high acyl gellan gum for enhanced preservation of frozen snakehead (Channa argus) fillets.Food Hydrocolloids, 152, 109904.

[32]Hou, X., Lin, L., Li, K.,Jiang, F.,Qiao, D., Zhang, B., & Xie, F. (2024). Towards superior biopolymer gels by enabling interpenetrating network structures: A review on types, applications, and gelation strategies.Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 325, 103113.

[33]Chen, K., Jiang, J., Tian, R., Kuang, Y., Wu, K., Xiao, M., Liu, Y., Qian, H., &Jiang, F.(2024). Properties of konjac glucomannan/curdlan-based emulsion films incorporating camellia oil and the preservation effect as coatings on ‘Kyoho’ grapes.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 258, 128836.

[34]Qiao, D., Luo, M., Li, Y.,Jiang, F., Zhang, B., & Xie, F. (2024). Evolutions of synergistic binding between konjac glucomannan and xanthan with high pyruvate group content induced by monovalent and divalent cation concentration.Food Chemistry, 432, 137237.

[35]Wu, K., Tao, Y., Cheng, J., Zeng, Y., Wang, R., Yan, X.,Jiang, F., Chen, S., & Zhao, X. Impacts of konjac glucomannan on the pasting, texture, and rheological properties of potato starch with different heat–moisture treatments.Starch – Stärke, 76(9-10), 2300242.

[36]Deng, P., Liu, X., Li, Y., Zhang, Y.-F., Wu, K., &Jiang, F.(2024). Konjac glucomannan-based aerogels with excellent thermal stability and flame retardancy for thermal insulation application.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 254, 127814.

[37]Li, M., Hou, X., Li, Y., Li, K., Qiao, D.,Jiang, F., Zhu, F., & Zhang, B. (2024). Konjac glucomannan and xanthan synergistic interaction gel: Underlying mechanism for improvement of gel mechanical properties induced by freeze-thaw treatment.Food Hydrocolloids, 146, 109276.

[38]Zhang, Q., Yan, S., Zhou, R., Yan, X., Zhu, P., Chen, L., &Jiang, F.(2024). Effect of blending ratio on the compatibility and stability of konjac glucomannan/starch composite systems.Food Hydrocolloids, 146, 109213.

[39]Chen, K., Xu, G., Tian, R., Jiang, J., Wu, K., Kuang, Y., &Jiang, F.(2023). Development of konjac glucomannan based Syringa essential oil film and its fragmented form for quality maintenance of citrus fruits.Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 40, 101185.

[40]Wu, K., Ye, Z., Cheng, J., Zeng, Y., Wang, R., Sun, W., Kuang, Y.,Jiang, F., Chen, S., & Zhao, X. (2023). Excellent thermal insulation and flame retardancy property of konjac glucomannan/sodium alginate aerogel reinforced by phytic acid.Industrial Crops and Products, 205, 117495.

[41]Yan, S., Yuan, S., Zhang, Q., Luo, M., Qiao, D.,Jiang, F., & Qian, H. (2023). Improved sample preparation method on the morphology observation of hydrophilic polysaccharides for atomic force microscopy (AFM).Food Hydrocolloids, 144, 109048.

[42]Wu, K., Wang, R., Ye, Z., Tao, Y., Wu, H., Sun, W., Cheng, J., Kuang, Y.,Jiang, F., & Chen, S. (2023). The optimization of thermal insulation-related properties of polysaccharide-based aerogel by the multi-layer combination method.Journal of Porous Materials, 30(5), 1449-1458.

[43]Qiao, D., Huang, Y., Zhao, G., Zhang, Y., Hou, X., Zhang, B., &Jiang, F.(2023). Small and large oscillatory shear behaviors of gelatin/starch system regulated by amylose/amylopectin ratio.Food Hydrocolloids, 142, 108780.

[44]Qiao, D., Hu, W., Wang, Z., Xie, F., Zhang, B., &Jiang, F.(2024). Food structuring using microfluidics: Updated progress in fundamental principles and structure types.Journal of Food Engineering, 360, 111703.

[45]Kuang, Y., Zhao, S., Liu, P., Liu, M., Wu, K., Liu, Y., Deng, P., Li, C., &Jiang, F.(2023). Schiff base type casein-konjac glucomannan conjugates with improved stability and emulsifying properties via mild covalent cross-linking.Food Hydrocolloids, 141, 108733.

[46]Wu, K., Yan, X., Zhu, D., Tao, Y., Zeng, Y., Li, X., Sun, W., Qian, H.,Jiang, F., & Chen, S. (2023). Formation and characterization of konjac glucomannan/ethyl cellulose films by using ethanol and water as the solvents.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 241, 124629.

[47]Li, M., Hou, X., Lin, L.,Jiang, F., Qiao, D., & Xie, F. (2023). Legume protein/polysaccharide food hydrogels: Preparation methods, improvement strategies and applications.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 243, 125217.

[48]Chen, K., Xu, G., Tian, R., Jiang, J., Kuang, Y., Wu, K., &Jiang, F.(2023). Characterizations and great application potential for air filtration of konjac glucomannan/curdlan aerogels.Industrial Crops and Products, 195, 116462.

[49]Kuang, Y., Xiao, Q., Yang, Y., Liu, M., Wang, X., Deng, P., Wu, K., Liu, Y., Peng, B.,Jiang, F., & Li, C. (2023). Investigation and characterization of pickering emulsion stabilized by alkali-treated zein (AZ)/sodium alginate (SA) composite particles.Materials, 16(8), 3164.

[50]Chen, K., Tian, R., Xu, G., Wu, K., Liu, Y., &Jiang, F.(2023). Characterizations of konjac glucomannan/curdlan edible coatings and the preservation effect on cherry tomatoes.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 232, 123359.

[51]Qiao, D., Luo, M., Li, Y.,Jiang, F., & Zhang, B. (2023). New evidence on synergistic binding effect of konjac glucomannan and xanthan with high pyruvate group content by atomic force microscopy.Food Hydrocolloids, 136, 108232.

[52]Qiao, D., Li, H.,Jiang, F., Zhao, S., Chen, S., & Zhang, B. (2023). Incorporation of κ-carrageenan improves the practical features of agar/konjac glucomannan/κ-carrageenan ternary system.Food Science and Human Wellness, 12(2), 512-519.

[53]Kuang, Y., Liu, P., Yang, Y., Wang, X., Liu, M., Wang, W., Guo, T., Xiao, M., Chen, K.,Jiang, F., & Li, C. (2023). Study on the Influence of the Preparation Method of Konjac Glucomannan-Silica Aerogels on the Microstructure, Thermal Insulation, and Flame-Retardant Properties.Molecules, 28(4), 1691.

[54]Qian, H., Wu, K., Cheng, Y., Li, C., Wang, J., &Jiang, F.(2023). Novel temperature test method for aroma and filter materials.International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 18, 123-130.

[55]Qian, H., Yang, J., Peng, B., Mi, F., Li, W., Yan, S., Wang, J., &Jiang, F.(2023). Evaluation of the heat absorption performance of konjac glucomannan/starch aerogel.International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 18, 273-282.

[56]Qin, J., Xiao, M., Wang, S., Peng, C., Wu, X., &Jiang, F.(2023). Effect of drying temperature on microstructural, mechanical, and water barrier properties of konjac glucomannan/agar film produced at industrial scale.LWT, 173, 114275.

[57]Zhang, Q., Yan, X., Yan, S., Chen, L., &Jiang, F.(2022). Establishment of a new horizontal casting device and evaluation system for characterizing the homogeneity of food soft matter solution.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 82, 103193.

[58]Wang, Y., Zhu, H., Tu, W., Su, Y.,Jiang, F., & Riffat, S. (2022). Sound absorption, structure and mechanical behavior of konjac glucomannan-based aerogels with addition of gelatin and wheat straw.Construction and Building Materials, 352, 129052.

[59]Yue, J., Shu, M., Yao, X., Chen, X., Li, D., Yang, D., Liu, N., Nishinari, K., &Jiang, F.(2022). Fibrillar assembly of whey protein isolate and gum Arabic as iron carrier for food fortification.Food Hydrocolloids, 128, 107608.

[60]Qiao, D., Li, H., Shi, W., Lu, J., Zhang, L., Zhang, B.,Jiang, F.(2022). Increasing agar content improves the sol-gel and mechanical features of starch/agar binary system,Carbohydrate Polymers, 278, 118906.

[61]Qiao, D., Shi, W., Luo, M.,Jiang, F., Zhang, B. (2022). Polyvinyl alcohol inclusion can optimize the sol-gel, mechanical and hydrophobic features of agar/konjac glucomannan system,Carbohydrate Polymers, 277, 118879.

[62]Wu, K., Wu H., Wang, R., Yan, X., Sun, W., Liu, Y., Kuang Y.,Jiang, F., Chen, S. (2022). The use of cellulose fiber from office waste paper to improve the thermal insulation-related property of konjac glucomannan/starch aerogel,Industrial Crops and Products, 177, 114424.

[63]Qiao, D., Shi, W., Luo M., Hu, W., Huang, Y.,Jiang, F., Xie, W., Zhang, B. (2022). Increasing xanthan gum content could enhance the performance of agar/konjac glucomannan-based system,Food Hydrocolloids, 132, 107845.

[64]Xiao, M., Tang, B., Qin, J., Wu, K.,Jiang, F.(2022). Properties of film-forming emulsions and films based on corn starch/sodium alginate/gum Arabic as affected by virgin coconut oil content.Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 32, 100819.

[65]Tu, W., Shi, W., Li, H., Wang, Y., Qiao, D.,Jiang, F., & Zhang, B. (2022). Xanthan gum inclusion optimizes the sol-gel and mechanical properties of agar/konjac glucomannan system for designing core-shell structural capsules. Food Hydrocolloids, 122, 107101.

[66]Qiao, D., Lu, J., Shi, W., Li, H., Zhang, L.,Jiang, F., & Zhang, B. (2022). Deacetylation enhances the properties of konjac glucomannan/agar composites. Carbohydrate Polymers, 276, 118776.

[67]Xiao, M., Luo, L., Tang, B., Qin, J., Wu, K., &Jiang, F.(2022). Physical, structural, and water barrier properties of emulsified blend film based on konjac glucomannan/agar/gum Arabic incorporating virgin coconut oil. LWT, 154, 112683.

[68]Wang, Y., Rasheed, R.,Jiang, F., Rizwan, A., Javed, H., Su, Y., & Riffat, S. (2021). Life cycle assessment of a novel biomass-based aerogel material for building insulation. Journal of Building Engineering, 44, 102988.

[69]Wu, K., Li, X., Yan, X., Wan, Y., Miao, L., Xiao, M.,Jiang, F., & Chen, S. (2021). Impact of curdlan addition on the properties of konjac glucomannan/ethyl cellulose composite films. Starch - Stärke,inpress.

[70]Wu, K., Wan, Y., Li, X., Qian, H., Xiao, M., Ni, X.,Jiang, F., & Chen, S. (2021). Impact of heating and drying temperatures on the properties of konjac glucomannan/curdlan blend films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 167, 1544-1551.

[71]Wu, K., Fang, Y., Wu, H., Wan, Y., Qian, H.,Jiang, F., & Chen, S. (2021). Improving konjac glucomannan-based aerogels filtration properties by combining aerogel pieces in series with different pore size distributions. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 166, 1499-1507.

[72]Kuang, Y., Chen, L., Zhai, J., Zhao, S., Xiao, Q., Wu, K., Qiao, D., &Jiang, F. (2021). Microstructure, Thermal Conductivity, and Flame Retardancy of Konjac Glucomannan Based Aerogels. Polymers, 13(2), 258.

[73]Yao, X., Xu, K., Shu, M., Liu, N., Li, N., Chen, X., Nishinari, K., Phillips, G. O., &Jiang, F. (2021). Fabrication of iron loaded whey protein isolate/gum Arabic nanoparticles and its adsorption activity on oil-water interface. Food Hydrocolloids, 115, 106610.

[74]Qian, H., Fang, Y., Wu, K., Wang, H., Li, B., &Jiang, F. (2021). Air filtration improvement of konjac glucomannan-based aerogel air filters through physical structure design. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, in press.

[75]Zhang, Q., Wu, K., Qian, H., Ramachandran, B., &Jiang, F. (2021). The advances of characterization and evaluation methods for the compatibility and assembly structure stability of food soft matter. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 112, 753-763.

[76]Chen, K., Tian, Z., He, H., Long, C.-a., &Jiang, F. (2020). Bacillus species as potential biocontrol agents against citrus diseases. Biological Control, 151, 104419.

[77]Li, C., Xiang, F., Wu, K.,Jiang, F., & Ni, X. (2020). Changes in microstructure and rheological properties of konjac glucomannan/zein blend film-forming solution during drying. Carbohydrate Polymers, 250, 116840.

[78]Fang, Y., Wang, W., Qian, H., Wu, K., Xiao, M., Ni, X.,Jiang, F., & Chen, S. (2020). Regular film property changes of konjac glucomannan/mung bean starch blend films. Starch - Stärke, 72(5-6), 1900149.

[79]Chen, K., Tian, Z., Chen, P., He, H.,Jiang, F., & Long, C.-a. (2020). Genome-wide identification, characterization and expression analysis of lineage-specific genes within Hanseniaspora yeasts. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 367(11).

[80]Wang, Y., Xiang, F., Wang, W., Wang, W., Su, Y.,Jiang, F., Chen, S., & Riffat, S. (2020). Sound absorption characteristics of KGM-based aerogel. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 15(3), 450-457.

[81]Qiao, D., Wang, Z., Cai, C., Yin, S., Qian, H., Zhang, B.,Jiang, F., & Fei, X. (2020). Tailoring multi-level structural and practical features of gelatin films by varying konjac glucomannan content and drying temperature. Polymers, 12(2), 385.

[82]Yao, X., Yao, X., Xu, K., Wu, K., Chen, X., Liu, N., Nishinari, K., Phillips, G. O., &Jiang, F. (2020). Trivalent iron induced gelation in Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch. polysaccharide. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 144, 690-697.

[83]Yao, X., Yao, X., Xu, K., Wu, K.,Jiang, F., Nishinari, K., & Phillips, G. O. (2020b). Iron encapsulated microstructured gel beads using emulsification-gelation technique for alginate-caseinate matrix. Food & Function, 11, 3811-3822.

[84]Wang, Y., Su, Y., Wang, W., Fang, Y., Riffat, S. B., &Jiang, F. (2019). The advances of polysaccharide-based aerogels: Preparation and potential application. Carbohydrate Polymers, 226, 115242.

[85]Chen, K., Tian, Z.,Jiang, F., Cheng, Y., & Long, C.-a. (2019). The shared and specific genes and a comparative genomics analysis within three hanseniaspora strains. International Journal of Genomics, 2019, 6.

[86]Li, C., Wu, K., Su, Y., Riffat, S. B., Ni, X., &Jiang, F. (2019). Effect of drying temperature on structural and thermomechanical properties of konjac glucomannan-zein blend films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 138, 135-143.

[87]Qiao, D., Wang, Z., Li, H., Zhang, B., Pu, H.,Jiang, F., & Zhao, S. (2019). Supramolecular and molecular structures of potato starches and their digestion features. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.

[88]Chen, K., Tian, Z.,Jiang, F., & Long, C.-a. (2019). Development of penicillium italicum-specific primers for rapid detection among fungal isolates in citrus. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 29(6), 984-988.

[89]Qiao, D., Tu, W., Liao, A., Li, N., Zhang, B.,Jiang, F., Zhong, L., Zhao, S., Zhang, L., & Lin, Q. (2019). Multi-scale structure and pasting/digestion features of yam bean tuber starches. Carbohydrate Polymers, 213, 199-207.

[90]Dai, S.,Jiang, F., Shah, N. P., & Corke, H. (2019). Functional and pizza bake properties of Mozzarella cheese made with konjac glucomannan as a fat replacer. Food Hydrocolloids, 92, 125-134.

[91]Li, J., Dong, L., Xiao, M., Qiao, D., Wu, K.,Jiang, F., Riffa, S. B., & Su, Y. (2019). A novel and accurate method for moisture adsorption isotherm determination of sultana raisins. Food Analytical Methods, 12(11), 2491-2499.

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[8]一种复合多糖可食膜的制备方法; ZL201310663008.1,发明专利;





